A Prayer To Be Liberated from Loneliness

Posted: 28 May, 2009 in My psalms
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 Liberated from Loneliness, A Prayer To Be Liberated from Loneliness

Thank You, Lord, that You are near to me when I call upon You with my whole heart. I call to You today because I need to feel Your love, peace, joy, and power in my life. Thank You, Lord, that Your Holy Spirit lives in me and is with me always, so I don’t have to be alone. Help me to sense Your presence now and make me more and more aware of Your healing love each day.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. Psalm 145:18

  1. Amen. This is my prayer also. Bless you.


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