Archive for May, 2010

True Love (on a wedding day), True Love Wallpaper

I was asking God for wisdom when I needed to address the congregation during my church wedding. Looking back its been coming 5 years; and seems just like last weekend (in a good way, of course)( in case my wife peeps in). After the Holy Matrimony, my intention is to introduce and lead the congregation into a time of praise and worship. It seemed mammoth task for a no-vice-wide-eyed-nervous-groom-to-be like me; well, its my first (and last) wedding anyway, right?

On one of my most important day of my life, a significant milestone in my existence; I only had a brief outline of my speech in my head so I had to leave it all into the hands of the Holy Spirit. However, words just came. And some of those words still amazes me even today. Please understand that I am just humbled by what came through my mouth of what the Holy Spirit had impressed upon me. Hopefully, it would be helpful for you as it has been for me, here goes:”

For the longest time, I have been searching for “true love”. Will I ever find “true love”. Now I understand that true love is not what to see on TV or read on magazines or fairy tales; man meets woman – and happily ever after. Throughout my search, I have realised that even my beautiful newly wedded bride is not true love although I love her very much and so wanted to marry her.  This may not be the most romantic thing to say on my wedding but I have to admit this is not true love. So what is true love?

I think True Love is, when God Himself came down to earth as a man, and died on the cross for His own children. True Love is when Jesus said “Your sins are forgiven, go in peace.” True Love is when Jesus said:” Today, you will be with Me in paradise.”

God (alone) is love. He is the original love, the one true love. True love is not between a man and woman, it started first between God and His children. And Jesus is the personification of God and of that love. We love because He first loved us. That is why we are able to love one another. Jesus demostrated how we should love and how powerful love can be.

At the cross.

We serve a loving, kind and patient God. Let’s worship this amazing God.”


You gave me hope
You made me whole
At the cross
You took my place
You showed me grace
At the cross where You died for me

And His glory appears
Like the light from the sun
Age to age He shines
Look to the skies
Hear the angels cry
Singing Holy is the Lord



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(c) 2009 Hillsong Church, Hillsong Music Australia