Prayer for Comfort and Guidance

Posted: 2 November, 2012 in My psalms
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 Prayer for Comfort and Guidance

Dear Lord, thank You for Your Presence in my life. I draw near to You and seek Your comfort today. Thank You that Your love and comfort is so great that it surrounds me completely, and there is no part of my life that is beyond the reach of Your loving care and healing touch. I ask that You would reach down and touch me with Your healing power and take away any pain I feel, both physically, mentally and emotionally. Free me from misery and discomfort and enable me to live a productive life so I can do great things for Your glory.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

You shall increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.

Psalm 71:21

  1. Henry Azubuike says:

    I thank God almighty for a beautiful and rewarding day he has made. God bless u king david for allowing God to use you to be a bless to his people. we have all overcome devil and his agents in jesus name amen.


  2. M. Berkin Venis Xavier says:

    Thank you King David, The Lord Jesus Christ bless you.


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