A Prayer To Be Free From Anxiety and Depression

Posted: 26 April, 2010 in My psalms
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Be Free From Anxiety and Depression, Born Free

Lord, You would take away any sadness I feel and evaporate all depression or oppression that hangs heavily over me. I want to experience Your peace and joy in my spirit and soul at all times. I want to feel the lightness of heart I know You have for me. You have a higher way of living for me, a way of restful flight on Your wings and soars high. I cannot, but You can Lord. You came and to borne our burden that we can borne Your freedom. Thank You for bearing my sorrow so I don’t have to carry it myself. Help me to experience Your peace that passes all understanding.


Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. – Isaiah 53:4

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